Preventing Sexual Violence in the Service Industry

R2 2017-2018 $32,000

Our VOICE in Asheville, NC will partner with local service industry establishments to empower owners, staff, and patrons to create safe cultures by improving sexual harassment organizational policies and education in order to prevent perpetration and victimization.

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  • Strengthen Policies

    Strengthen Policies

    As part of the curriculum and working with management, Our VOICE worked with a labor laywer in internal restaurant policy and strengthening reporting and response.

  • Enhance Partnerships

    Enhance Partnerships

    Our VOICE worked with 7 independent restaurants.

  • Build Champions

    Build Champions

    Purposefully working with restaurants to create champions within locations across the year.

  • Provide Resources

    Provide Resources

    The curriculum included posters, handouts, and presentations. 

  • Educate & Train

    Educate & Train

    Worked with staff and management at 7 restaurants across the year. 

  • Measure Impact

    Measure Impact

    Qualitative and quantitative feedback was gathered on the creation of the curriculum and surveys with staff.

  • Raise Awareness

    Raise Awareness

    Promotional materials about the curriculum and training such as handouts and materials were used in the community.