ItsOnUs Campaign
Visit WebsiteThis pledge is a personal commitment to help keep women and men safe from sexual assault. It is... read more
ItsOnUs Campaign
This pledge is a personal commitment to help keep women and men safe from sexual assault. It is a promise not to be a bystander to the problem, but to be a part of the solution. On this site, you will find videos, the logo, toolkits, and the pledge.
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ItsOnUs Video PSAs
Visit WebsiteAccess over 20 ItsOnUs PSAs with celebrities or create your own PSA by downloading the PSA... read more
ItsOnUs Video PSAs
Access over 20 ItsOnUs PSAs with celebrities or create your own PSA by downloading the PSA script here.
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KU Student-Athlete Primary SV/DV Prevention Program
University of Kansas - Kansas Athletics Inc & Sexual Assault Prevention and Education Center (SAPEC)
Visit WebsiteKansas Athletics Inc. and the Sexual Assault Prevention and Education Center (SAPEC) at the... read more
KU Student-Athlete Primary SV/DV Prevention Program
University of Kansas - Kansas Athletics Inc & Sexual Assault Prevention and Education Center (SAPEC)
Kansas Athletics Inc. and the Sexual Assault Prevention and Education Center (SAPEC) at the University of Kansas have established a comprehensive primary prevention program for student-athletes. Through collaboration, mutual respect, and a shared goal of gender based violence prevention, KU has established a truly unique endeavor. This training program includes multiple annual in-person training requirements for all KU Athletics Inc. staff and coaches on gender based violence recognition and response. In addition to staff and coaches, it also provides multiple required evidence based in-person prevention trainings for all student-athletes. Alternative trauma-informed sessions for student-athletes who have been impacted by gender based violence are facilitated by confidential campus partners. Additional specialized trainings are provided as requested by individual teams. The partnership between Kansas Athletics Inc. and SAPEC has not only produced significant positive assessment outcomes; but also, a new shared Graduate Assistant who specializes in Prevention Education for Student-Athletes. The evolving partnership has led to the implementation of a four part seminar for academic credit on gender based violence prevention for student-athletes. This new seminar will launch in the Fall of 2018 and provides progressive education that grows with the student-athlete each year during their time at the institution. The seminar will replace foundational team trainings in an effort honor the time constrains that student-athletes face during their academic careers.
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List of Therapists for Athlete Survivors of SV/DV
Visit WebsiteSafe4Athletes suggests seeking appropriately trained and credentialed professionals for athletes... read more
List of Therapists for Athlete Survivors of SV/DV
Safe4Athletes suggests seeking appropriately trained and credentialed professionals for athletes when seeking help when an athlete may have encountered sexual abuse, bullying and harassment.
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MEND Training
Visit WebsitePowered by the YWCA Nashville & Middle Tennessee, MEND works to end violence against women... read more
MEND Training
Powered by the YWCA Nashville & Middle Tennessee, MEND works to end violence against women by engaging and educating men. The YWCA has extensive experience treating the symptom, but violence against women is truly a man’s problem that desperately needs a cure. When men understand how our culture supports violence, they become a major part of the solution.
Objectives of this training include:
- Raise awareness about the prevalence of violence against women
- Uncover subtle ways our society reinforces sexist and objectifying biases
- Connect the dots between harmful jokes and actions
- Unpack the difference between healthy and unhealthy masculinity
- Empower attendees with situational examples and strategies to step up and speak out against negative cultural norms
- Challenge attendees to help create a community that respects and values women and girls
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Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP) Strategies Training Program
MVP Strategies
Visit WebsiteMVP provides the leadership necessary, within sport and beyond, to address the global issues of... read more
Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP) Strategies Training Program
MVP Strategies
MVP provides the leadership necessary, within sport and beyond, to address the global issues of sexism – especially men’s violence against women. In our advocacy efforts and training programs, we educate, inspire and empower men & women to prevent, interrupt and respond to sexist abuse.
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MVP Playbooks & Trainer's Guide
Mentors in Violence Prevention Strategies
Visit WebsiteSets of MVP playbooks and trainer’s guides are currently available for purchase on a sample... read more
MVP Playbooks & Trainer's Guide
Mentors in Violence Prevention Strategies
Sets of MVP playbooks and trainer’s guides are currently available for purchase on a sample basis. Items available include:
For High Schools
- MVP Playbook for High School Males
- MVP Trainer’s Guide for Working With High School Males
- MVP Playbook for High School Females
- MVP Trainer’s Guide for Working With High School FemalesFor Colleges
- MVP Playbook for College Males
- MVP Trainer’s Guide for Working With College Males
- MVP Playbook for College Females (coming soon)
- MVP Trainer’s Guide for Working With College Females (coming soon)Listed under: College, High School, Pro, Athletes, Coaches, Engage in Partnership, Build Champions, Provide Resources, Educate & Train
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MVP Program Evaluations
MVP Strategies
Visit WebsiteMVP has been independently evaluated in high school, college, professional and military settings... read more
MVP Program Evaluations
MVP Strategies
MVP has been independently evaluated in high school, college, professional and military settings and has been proven to have statistically significant positive changes in participant knowledge, attitude, and behavior. View a list of these reports on this site.
Listed under: College, High School, Athletes, Coaches, Leagues, Measure Impact
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Prevention Strategies
Visit WebsitemyPlaybook is a collection of online lessons used to promote the health and well-being of... read more
Prevention Strategies
myPlaybook is a collection of online lessons used to promote the health and well-being of student-athletes in high school athletics as well as NCAA and NAIA collegiate athletics.
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NCAA Sexual Violence Prevention Toolkit
NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association)
Visit WebsiteThe NCAA Sexual Assault Task Force convened in 2015 to provide clear direction on a curriculum... read more
NCAA Sexual Violence Prevention Toolkit
NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association)
The NCAA Sexual Assault Task Force convened in 2015 to provide clear direction on a curriculum that will help athletics departments engage in education, collaboration and compliance surrounding sexual violence issues. This tool kit, initiated by the task force, builds on critical elements outlined in the fall 2014 NCAA publication “Addressing Sexual Assault and Interpersonal Violence: Athletics’ Role in Support of Healthy and Safe Campuses.” The toolkit focuses on 5 areas of commitment with checklists and implementation tools:
1. Leadership
2. Collaboration
3. Compliance and Accountability
4. Education
5. Student-Athlete Engagement
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Visit WebsiteNO MORE aims to raise public awareness and engagement around ending domestic violence and sexual... read more
NO MORE aims to raise public awareness and engagement around ending domestic violence and sexual assault. Launched in March 2013 by a coalition of leading advocacy groups, service providers, the U.S. Department of Justice, and major corporations, NO MORE is supported by hundreds of national and local groups and by thousands of individuals, organizations, universities, and communities who are using its signature blue symbol to increase visibility for domestic violence and sexual assault.
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One Love Foundation
One Love Foundation
Visit WebsiteIt is the goal of the One Love Foundation to honor Yeardley Love, a unversity-level Lacrosse... read more
One Love Foundation
One Love Foundation
It is the goal of the One Love Foundation to honor Yeardley Love, a unversity-level Lacrosse player beaten to death by her ex-boyfriend, by bringing an end to Relationship Violence by educating, empowering and activating campus communities in a movement for change. We know that, given the chance, Yeardley certainly would have wanted to help.
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Organizing to End Violence
Old Dominion University & Greet Dot
Visit WebsiteODU Women's Center raised some "red flags" as part of the annual Red Flag Campaign, to raise... read more
Organizing to End Violence
Old Dominion University & Greet Dot
ODU Women's Center raised some "red flags" as part of the annual Red Flag Campaign, to raise awareness about the prevalence of dating violence on university campuses.
The campaign is a statewide initiative to shed light on relationship violence and includes a series of eight posters that illustrate "red flags" that might appear in a relationship where dating violence is occurring. The posters depict students of different genders, ethnicities and sexual orientations, and also focus on different aspects of dating violence, including emotional abuse, coercion, excessive jealousy, isolation, sexual assault and victim-blaming. The PSA was created as part of this campaign.
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Parent’s Guide to Misconduct in Sport
Visit WebsiteDesigned for the parents of athletes of all ages, this course explains the issues of misconduct... read more
Parent’s Guide to Misconduct in Sport
Designed for the parents of athletes of all ages, this course explains the issues of misconduct in sport and helps parents ensure their children have a positive and safe sport experience.
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Penn Wood Patriots - Coaching Boys into Men
Open Door Abuse Awareness & Prevention
Visit WebsiteOpen Door Abuse Awareness & Prevention works with high school and college football players... read more
Penn Wood Patriots - Coaching Boys into Men
Open Door Abuse Awareness & Prevention
Open Door Abuse Awareness & Prevention works with high school and college football players using the Coaching Boys into Men prevention program. Check out the video highlighting the program participants and contact Valencia Peterson for more information!
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Podcast on media coverage of SV/DV
ESPN Radio
Visit WebsiteSarah talks to Keri Potts about the role the media plays in covering sexual and partner violence... read more
Podcast on media coverage of SV/DV
ESPN Radio
Sarah talks to Keri Potts about the role the media plays in covering sexual and partner violence.
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ProtectHer: Redefining #MANHOOD
Alexis Jones
Visit WebsiteAlexis Jones starts what becomes an ongoing dialogue, asking young men the simple question, What... read more
ProtectHer: Redefining #MANHOOD
Alexis Jones
Alexis Jones starts what becomes an ongoing dialogue, asking young men the simple question, What kind of man will you choose to be?
Through tangible action steps and community building, Alexis shares how to be verbal, vulnerable, and honest – highlighting the fact that in order for men to respect women, men first have to respect themselves.
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Safe4Athletes Organization
Visit WebsiteSafe4Athlete's mission is to advocate for athlete welfare where every athlete is provided a safe... read more
Safe4Athletes Organization
Safe4Athlete's mission is to advocate for athlete welfare where every athlete is provided a safe and positive environment free of abuse, bullying and harassment.
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Safe4Athletes Speakers
Visit WebsiteSafe4Athletes provides speakers for sport association, professional association conventions or... read more
Safe4Athletes Speakers
Safe4Athletes provides speakers for sport association, professional association conventions or other meetings conducting programs to address the issue of athlete welfare and how every athlete can be provided with a safe and positive sport environment free of sexual misconduct, bullying, and harassment. Champion athletes are available on a speaker fee plus expenses basis. Other experts may be available on an expenses only basis. Call 1-855.safe4AAA (855-723-3422) to discuss your organization’s needs.
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SafeSport Policies and Procedures
US Center for SafeSport
Visit WebsiteAcces links to SafeSport's Code, Practices and Procedures, and Supplementary rules as well as... read more
SafeSport Policies and Procedures
US Center for SafeSport
Acces links to SafeSport's Code, Practices and Procedures, and Supplementary rules as well as resources for the resoluation and arbitration process.
Listed under: Youth, High School, College, Pro, Administrators, Leagues, Enforce Policy, Provide Resources