Athletic Trainers as Leaders in Sexual Violence Prevention
Athletic trainers are committed to using the best available evidence and practices to support... read more
Athletic Trainers as Leaders in Sexual Violence Prevention
Athletic trainers are committed to using the best available evidence and practices to support the total development of the student-athlete. Research has shown the damaging physical and mental health impacts of sexual harassment, assault, and abuse on youth and young adults. Beyond assessing for violence, reporting disclosures of sexual violence, and connecting survivors for resources – there’s a critical need for coaches, athletic directors, sport medicine professionals, and athletic trainers to take action toward preventing sexual violence before it happens.
At RALIANCE, we know and believe in the potential of sport to prevent sexual and domestic violence, both in the world of athletics and beyond. In 2019, we partnered with Michigan State University (MSU) to host an invitation-only listening session that brought together athletic trainers from across the B1G (Big Ten) Conference and selected Division II and Division III universities to discuss the role of athletic trainers in preventing sexual violence.
Our new report, Athletic Trainers as Leaders in Sexual Violence Prevention, draws on the perspectives of this group to outline the unique role of athletic trainers in the sport pipeline, opportunities athletic trainers identified to promote sexual violence prevention, and the supports needed to carry out this vision.
This report looks at:
- How the role of athletic trainers is unique in the sport pipeline
- Why athletic trainers are poised to promote sexual violence prevention
- What athletic trainers need to be leaders in preventing sexual violence
- The barriers athletic trainers face to realizing this role and priorities to overcome them
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#BeThatGuy SuperBowl Campaign
Visit WebsiteUncool behavior can happen anywhere–and it’s definitely a buzzkill when it does. But we know... read more
#BeThatGuy SuperBowl Campaign
Uncool behavior can happen anywhere–and it’s definitely a buzzkill when it does. But we know that sports fans are not fans of sexual harassment. So join the team. Stand up against harassment, and declare your party a safe space for all: #BeThatGuy At the Super Bowl and find 7 ways to create a culture in which all people are safe, respected, and able to be their best selves.
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Visit WebsiteFrom the #SafeOutside website: "#SafeOutside is an independent grassroots initiative designed to... read more
From the #SafeOutside website: "#SafeOutside is an independent grassroots initiative designed to combat sexual harassment and sexual assault (SHSA). Organizations from climbing and outdoor communities around the world have joined forces to collect data, drive conversation, share best practices, provide press coverage and address the issues."
As a result of data collection and collaboration across sectors, #SafeOutside created a report on sexual harassment and sexual assault in climbing communities, and a toolkit for addressing sexual harassment and sexual assault in outdoor recreation and other other industries. Also available on the site media examples for raising awareness about sexual harassment and sexual assault in climbing and outdoor recreation communities.
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A CALL TO MEN Speakers
Visit WebsiteA CALL TO MEN speaks at hundreds of events annually. From introductory workshops, multi-day... read more
A CALL TO MEN Speakers
A CALL TO MEN speaks at hundreds of events annually. From introductory workshops, multi-day trainings, and community and government events, to corporate trainings and national conferences, A CALL TO MEN can customize programming to meet the needs of the organization.
With a seasoned group of Core Trainers, A CALL TO MEN also offers subject matter experts that specialize in the following:
Preventing sexual assault, sexual harassment, violence and discrimination in the military
Preventing sexual assault, violence and discrimination in college and universities
Preventing gang and community violence
Preventing violence and discrimination in faith communities
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Adaptive Sports Abuse Prevention (ASAP) Train-the-Trainer Conference
Visit WebsiteIMPACT Bosten hosts a free train-the-trainer conference for the Adaptive Sports Abuse Prevention... read more
Adaptive Sports Abuse Prevention (ASAP) Train-the-Trainer Conference
IMPACT Bosten hosts a free train-the-trainer conference for the Adaptive Sports Abuse Prevention (ASAP) curriculum. ASAP is one of the few curricula designed specifically for coaches, trainers, volunteers and leaders of programs that work with athletes with disabilities. This conference will equip participants to teach the 5-session curriculum within their organizations. The event is made possible by the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation and is held in collaboration with the U.S. Center for SafeSport.
ASAP is a dynamic, interactive program in which participants learn to:
- Recognize abuse and sexual misconduct
- Interrupt unsafe or inappropriate interactions that could escalate to abuse
- Think critically and productively about safe touch and healthy relationships
- Report sexual abuse and collaborate with a local rape crisis center
The training conference takes place March 29 and 30, 2022 in Colorado Springs.
ASAP Conference 2022.pdf
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All Staff SV/DV Education Program - Year 3
Visit WebsiteThis program was developed and implemented by the NFL in it's 3rd year (2017) of SV/DV, DUI, and... read more
All Staff SV/DV Education Program - Year 3
This program was developed and implemented by the NFL in it's 3rd year (2017) of SV/DV, DUI, and Firearms Safety training for all NFL and associated club staff, players, and coaches.
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Beyond Sport United 2017
Beyond Sport
Visit WebsiteBeyond Sport United 2017 brought to life social movements, advocacy and activism through two... read more
Beyond Sport United 2017
Beyond Sport
Beyond Sport United 2017 brought to life social movements, advocacy and activism through two days of thought provoking and engaging content.
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Branded a Leader Training
Institute for Sport and Social Justice
Visit WebsiteBranded a Leader, created in 2008 by the National Consortium for Academics & Sports (NCAS),... read more
Branded a Leader Training
Institute for Sport and Social Justice
Branded a Leader, created in 2008 by the National Consortium for Academics & Sports (NCAS),now officially the Institute For Sport & Social Justice (Institute SSJ) was developed in partnership with Michigan State University. Michigan State’s Student Athlete Support Services was seeking a training that would engage their student-athletes in educational discussions on key issues such as: Violence Against Women, Alcohol & Drugs, Hazing and Responsible Computing. The Southeastern Conference (SEC) adopted BAL as a conference-wide training initiative beginning in 2008.
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Cleveland Says NO MORE Campaign
Cleveland Browns (NFL), Domestic Violence & Child Advocacy Center, and City of Cleveland's Division of Police
Visit WebsiteThe Cleveland Browns partnered with the City of Cleveland’s Division of Police as well as the... read more
Cleveland Says NO MORE Campaign
Cleveland Browns (NFL), Domestic Violence & Child Advocacy Center, and City of Cleveland's Division of Police
The Cleveland Browns partnered with the City of Cleveland’s Division of Police as well as the Domestic Violence & Child Advocacy Center to help create awareness for Domestic Violence during the month of October (2016) and to support efforts locally in Cleveland. This included support of the Division of Police’s Cleveland Says NO MORE initiative, and the DVCAC’s programming and services offered to those affected by DV. Throughout the month of October, the City, community partners and sponsors hosted weekly events to raise awareness about domestic violence and ask Clevelander’s to join in the City’s campaign efforts to end violence.
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Dating Violence Education Workshop
One Love Foundation & Jacksonville Jaguars (NFL)
Visit WebsiteThe Jacksonville Jaguars (NFL) partnered with their local United Way and One Love Foundation to... read more
Dating Violence Education Workshop
One Love Foundation & Jacksonville Jaguars (NFL)
The Jacksonville Jaguars (NFL) partnered with their local United Way and One Love Foundation to help bring awareness of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault to high school age students throughout the Jaguars community.
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Domestic Violence Awareness Month Events
New York Jets (NFL), Jersey Battered Women's Services, & OneLove Foundation
Visit WebsiteDuring Domestic Awareness Month (October 2016), the New York Jets partnered with the Jersey... read more
Domestic Violence Awareness Month Events
New York Jets (NFL), Jersey Battered Women's Services, & OneLove Foundation
During Domestic Awareness Month (October 2016), the New York Jets partnered with the Jersey Battered Women’s Services (JBWS) and the One Love Foundation to participate in two very important events. NY Jets hosted an Escalation Workshop on dating violence. The Atlantic Health Jets Women’s Organization (AHJWO) visited the Jersey Battered Women’s Services emergency safe house on Tuesday, preparing new and donated designer handbags for the silent auction fundraiser called the “Old Bags Luncheon.”
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DV Program & Local Team Partnership
Buffalo Bills & Family Justice Center - Erie County
Visit WebsiteThe Buffalo Bills partnered with the Family Justice Center - Erie County to help expand their... read more
DV Program & Local Team Partnership
Buffalo Bills & Family Justice Center - Erie County
The Buffalo Bills partnered with the Family Justice Center - Erie County to help expand their services to victims and use technology to combat the tactics being used by perpetrators. Includes education to the community to help safely identify DV victims and provide personal alarms for DV victims, computer screening for clients, stalking brochures and healthy relationship brochures
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DV Shelter Donations
Indianapolis Colts (NFL) & Sheltering Wings
The Indianapolis Colts and Meijer team-up to provide families involved with Sheltering Wings, an... read more
DV Shelter Donations
Indianapolis Colts (NFL) & Sheltering Wings
The Indianapolis Colts and Meijer team-up to provide families involved with Sheltering Wings, an organization that provides emergency housing for victims of domestic violence, a $300 gift card to help stock-up on food and clothes for the winter in 2016.
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Fear 2 Freedom Packaging Event
Fear 2 Freedom & Washington Redskins (NFL)
Visit WebsiteWashington Redskins (NFL) rookies, veterans and staff members on Monday assembled care packages... read more
Fear 2 Freedom Packaging Event
Fear 2 Freedom & Washington Redskins (NFL)
Washington Redskins (NFL) rookies, veterans and staff members on Monday assembled care packages for victims of domestic violence. The kits include new clothing, toiletries, childrens' toys, a "Freedom Bear" and storybook that serves as a counseling tool. The afternoon began in the auditorium at Redskins Park, where all team representatives listened to a survivor of sexual assault prior to assembling the kits. The F2F kits assembled by the Redskins players and staff will be distrivuted to the Inova Health System Ewing Forensic Assessment and Consultation Teams (FACT) and other local domestic violence shelters.
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Game Change: The Patriot's Anti-Violence Partnership
New England Patriots (NFL) Charitable Foundation, MA Attorney General's Office, and Robert Kraft
Visit WebsiteRobert Kraft (New England Patriot's owner) and the New England Patriots Charitable Foundation... read more
Game Change: The Patriot's Anti-Violence Partnership
New England Patriots (NFL) Charitable Foundation, MA Attorney General's Office, and Robert Kraft
Robert Kraft (New England Patriot's owner) and the New England Patriots Charitable Foundation teamed with Attorney General Maura Healey to create Game Change: The Patriots Anti-Violence Program. The program works with anti-violence organizations to provide support to victims of domestic violence, while also providing anti-violence training to students. The goal of the program is to build the capacity in 98 area schools to implement effective violence prevention education for students, coaches and faculty. Game Change is a multi-year, multi-phased initiative with a budget of $650,000 ($500K of which was provided by Mr. Kraft and the Patriots, $150K provided by the AGO).
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Guidelines for Administrators, Coaches, and Athletes
Women's Sports Foundation
Visit WebsiteOfficials who are responsible for the administration and oversight of coaches and athletic... read more
Guidelines for Administrators, Coaches, and Athletes
Women's Sports Foundation
Officials who are responsible for the administration and oversight of coaches and athletic programs should implement a policy prohibiting any ritual verbal, psychological or physical abuse of any player by a coach or fellow teammate that assaults, belittles or demeans. Suggestions for action and definitions of abuse are outlined here.
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Huddle Up to End Gender Based Violence
Institute for Sport and Social Justice
Visit WebsiteHuddle Up leverages the transcendent power of sport to eradicate gender violence, in all of its... read more
Huddle Up to End Gender Based Violence
Institute for Sport and Social Justice
Huddle Up leverages the transcendent power of sport to eradicate gender violence, in all of its forms, and the sexism underpinning this abuse. In sport, the huddle is a powerful symbol of togetherness, a place where many become one. In the huddle, teammates convene to reinforce their union, challenge & support one another, and communicate strategy. In the huddle, teammates forget past set-backs, galvanize conviction, and always have a unified front against the opponent. Huddle Up harnesses that power by challenging, educating, and empowering participants to be "all-in" to defeat our opponent – sexist abuse.
Huddle Up addresses the full continuum of abusive behaviors and empowers participants to understand how misogynistic language, sexual harassment, gendered bullying, sexual assault, rape and domestic violence are linked together. This understanding inspires participants to have the courage to challenge behaviors on all levels of the continuum.
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Kings Over Violence Awareness Campaign
LA Kings & Peace Over Violence
Visit WebsiteKings and Peace Over Violence (POV) will create a promotional campaign entitled “Kings Over... read more
Kings Over Violence Awareness Campaign
LA Kings & Peace Over Violence
Kings and Peace Over Violence (POV) will create a promotional campaign entitled “Kings Over Violence” in an effort to create a platform to significantly increase awareness against violence. Within this campaign, the Kings will seek to support the goals of POV, which is dedicated to building healthy relationships, families and communities free from sexual, domestic and interpersonal violence.
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Local YWCA & NFL Team Partnership
Cincinnati Bengal & YWCA of Greater Cincinnati
Cincinnati Bengals partnered with the YWCA of Greater Cincinnati to help reduce incidents of... read more
Local YWCA & NFL Team Partnership
Cincinnati Bengal & YWCA of Greater Cincinnati
Cincinnati Bengals partnered with the YWCA of Greater Cincinnati to help reduce incidents of domestic violence. Bengals provided support for the YWCA to purchase Domestic Violence Inventory assessments that they were unable to afford due to limited funding. These DVIs were administered to individuals who do harm to their significant others (e.g., intimate partner violence) to help determine their level of risk for repeat behaviors.
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Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP) Strategies Training Program
MVP Strategies
Visit WebsiteMVP provides the leadership necessary, within sport and beyond, to address the global issues of... read more
Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP) Strategies Training Program
MVP Strategies
MVP provides the leadership necessary, within sport and beyond, to address the global issues of sexism – especially men’s violence against women. In our advocacy efforts and training programs, we educate, inspire and empower men & women to prevent, interrupt and respond to sexist abuse.
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