High School / National Build Champions
Below you will find examples of champion building strategies being implemented by national organizations (sport, SV/DV) in multiple sites across the US that target high school-aged athletes (age 14-18) and organizations that work with them to prevent SV/DV.
Roll Red Roll Toolkits
Roll Red Roll
Visit WebsiteRoll Red Roll is a documentary film about a sexual assault in Steubenville, OH, and how it... read more
Roll Red Roll Toolkits
Roll Red Roll
Roll Red Roll is a documentary film about a sexual assault in Steubenville, OH, and how it impacted the town and garnered national attention. Since its release in 2018, Roll Red Roll has led to conversations about rape culture, the role sport plays in sexual violence, and how to create lasting social change.
RALIANCE in partnership with the Roll Red Roll social impact team, Open Door Abuse Awareness Prevention, and MenChallenging has created two toolkits to help coaches, athletic administrators, guidance counselors, and sexual violence prevention advocates discuss the film with their student athletes and spark social change. The first toolkit adapts conversations, discussion questions, and selected clips in thematic sections for college athletes, while the second toolkit focuses on high school athletes.
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Roll Red Roll Toolkits
Roll Red Roll
Visit WebsiteRoll Red Roll is a documentary film about a sexual assault in Steubenville, OH, and how it... read more
Roll Red Roll Toolkits
Roll Red Roll
Roll Red Roll is a documentary film about a sexual assault in Steubenville, OH, and how it impacted the town and garnered national attention. Since its release in 2018, Roll Red Roll has led to conversations about rape culture, the role sport plays in sexual violence, and how to create lasting social change.
RALIANCE in partnership with the Roll Red Roll social impact team, Open Door Abuse Awareness Prevention, and MenChallenging has created two toolkits to help coaches, athletic administrators, guidance counselors, and sexual violence prevention advocates discuss the film with their student athletes and spark social change. The first toolkit adapts conversations, discussion questions, and selected clips in thematic sections for college athletes, while the second toolkit focuses on high school athletes.
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IMPACT Administrators' Toolkit
Men As Peacemakers
Visit WebsiteA 6-step guide to saftey & gender equity in sports.
This toolkit includes resources... read more
IMPACT Administrators' Toolkit
Men As Peacemakers
A 6-step guide to saftey & gender equity in sports.
This toolkit includes resources for Executive Directors, Club Presidents, Coaching Directors or other leaders of community athletic organizations. The resources included will teach your coaches to promote safety, respect, and gender equity with all players. This guide is meant to provide examples and a framework for the development of your organization’s policies and procedures. Our previous work with the Minnesota State High School League, Arrowhead Youth Soccer Association, Winona Youth Soccer Association, and other sports organizations, has taught us that every organization is unique. We encourage you to work with us directly to tailor your approach to your specific community of coaches and players. Contact Men As Peacemakers at info@menaspeacemakers.org or 218-727-1939 to get started.
Visit WebsiteAdministrators-Toolkit_9-25.pdf
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A CALL TO COACHES Training Events
Visit WebsiteA CALL TO COACHES is a series of educational training events where coaches are empowered to... read more
A CALL TO COACHES Training Events
A CALL TO COACHES is a series of educational training events where coaches are empowered to build young men of character, to promote healthy, respectful manhood, and prevent violence and discrimination against all women and girls. Often in partnership with members of the sport community, these events speak to sport leaders in a language that can be understood and used in a sport setting.
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A CALL TO MEN Speakers
Visit WebsiteA CALL TO MEN speaks at hundreds of events annually. From introductory workshops, multi-day... read more
A CALL TO MEN Speakers
A CALL TO MEN speaks at hundreds of events annually. From introductory workshops, multi-day trainings, and community and government events, to corporate trainings and national conferences, A CALL TO MEN can customize programming to meet the needs of the organization.
With a seasoned group of Core Trainers, A CALL TO MEN also offers subject matter experts that specialize in the following:
Preventing sexual assault, sexual harassment, violence and discrimination in the military
Preventing sexual assault, violence and discrimination in college and universities
Preventing gang and community violence
Preventing violence and discrimination in faith communities
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Athletes As Leaders
Harborview Center for Sexual Assault & Traumatic Stress
Visit WebsiteAthletes As Leaders is a program for high school athletes on girls’ sports teams. The program... read more
Athletes As Leaders
Harborview Center for Sexual Assault & Traumatic Stress
Athletes As Leaders is a program for high school athletes on girls’ sports teams. The program aims to empower female-identified youth to take an active role in promoting healthy relationships and ending sexual violence. It is based on research and best practices in the field of sexual assault prevention.
Athletes are encouraged to be leaders in changing peer norms and school climate to a culture of safety and respect. Athletes As Leaders is intended to be used as
a complement to programs with intentional efforts to engage men and boys in prevention.Attachment:
Visit WebsiteAthletes As Leaders info sheet.pdf
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Coach Toolkit for Creating a Safe Space
Visit WebsiteUp2Us Sports and StandUP have created this toolkit to assist coaches and program administrators... read more
Coach Toolkit for Creating a Safe Space
Up2Us Sports and StandUP have created this toolkit to assist coaches and program administrators as they work to address negative behaviors, educate their peers, and create safety for all youth. The purpose of this toolkit is to help coaches address and prevent situations in their programs that make young people feel unwelcome or unsafe through evidence-based best practices and strategies.
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Coaching Boys into Men Program
Futures Without Violence
Visit WebsiteFUTURES’ Coaching Boys into Men (CBIM) program facilitates these connections by providing high... read more
Coaching Boys into Men Program
Futures Without Violence
FUTURES’ Coaching Boys into Men (CBIM) program facilitates these connections by providing high school athletic coaches with the resources they need to promote respectful behavior among their players and help prevent relationship abuse, harassment, and sexual assault")
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Coaching Peace Presentations
Coaching Peace
Visit WebsiteYou can listen to someone talk, hear their perspective, their stories and their ideas. Or, you... read more
Coaching Peace Presentations
Coaching Peace
You can listen to someone talk, hear their perspective, their stories and their ideas. Or, you can engage in a conversation with an insightful thought provoking leader in organizational effectiveness about how to create the culture you want to create, make sustainable changes or get clear about what actions will get you where you want to be. At Coaching Peace, our presentations mirror the latter.
While each of our presentations are tailored to an organization some topics have been:
- Creating Positive Cultures
- Understanding Equity and Inclusion
- Motivating and Empowering Learners
- Building Empathy
- Creating Dynamic Leaders
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Escalation Workshop
One Love Foundation
Visit WebsiteOneLove Foundation's Escalation workshop is a powerful, emotionally-engaging 90-minute film... read more
Escalation Workshop
One Love Foundation
OneLove Foundation's Escalation workshop is a powerful, emotionally-engaging 90-minute film based workshop that educates your community about relationship violence and empowers you to work for change. This workshop is research based and is facilitated by students. Access to this resource is FREE. Additionally, athletes and other leaders can be trained as facilitators of this workshop.
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GoGirlGo! National Curriculum
Women's Sports Foundation
Visit WebsiteThis curriculum addresses bullying, body image, stress. Designed for girls ages 5-18, this free... read more
GoGirlGo! National Curriculum
Women's Sports Foundation
This curriculum addresses bullying, body image, stress. Designed for girls ages 5-18, this free program teaches girls about a variety of relevant issues and health risks through the personal experiences of champion athletes like Julie Foudy, Sanya Richards-Ross and Dominique Dawes.
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Guidelines for Administrators, Coaches, and Athletes
Women's Sports Foundation
Visit WebsiteOfficials who are responsible for the administration and oversight of coaches and athletic... read more
Guidelines for Administrators, Coaches, and Athletes
Women's Sports Foundation
Officials who are responsible for the administration and oversight of coaches and athletic programs should implement a policy prohibiting any ritual verbal, psychological or physical abuse of any player by a coach or fellow teammate that assaults, belittles or demeans. Suggestions for action and definitions of abuse are outlined here.
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I AM THAT GIRL: Modern Girls on a Mission
Alexis Jones
Visit WebsiteAlexis Jones wants to redefine the meaning of “beautiful” and ignite an empowering revolution... read more
I AM THAT GIRL: Modern Girls on a Mission
Alexis Jones
Alexis Jones wants to redefine the meaning of “beautiful” and ignite an empowering revolution for females that will help them see themselves in a different light. This inspiring talk reveals the reality behind many of the images women see in the media and explains the pitfalls of relying on outside appearance as a measurement of self-worth. Instead, Alexis encourages girls to look inward for purpose, value, and power. What does it mean to be a powerful woman? How can you find strength in your imperfections? How can you use your unique voice to lift up other women instead of tearing them down? Alexis will answer these questions and teach you how to be that independent, confident girl who dares to lead other women into changing the world.
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IMPACT Prevention Resources
Men As Peacemakers
Visit WebsiteThis guide is designed to help coaches like you promote respect and equality, reduce violence... read more
IMPACT Prevention Resources
Men As Peacemakers
This guide is designed to help coaches like you promote respect and equality, reduce violence and identify signs of abuse among your players.
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InSideOut Training Process
Visit WebsiteThe InSideOut training provides a blueprint for systemic change through the InSideOut System and... read more
InSideOut Training Process
The InSideOut training provides a blueprint for systemic change through the InSideOut System and the InSideOut Philosophy that defines and elevates the purpose, teaches a common language, provides resources and curriculum and employs strategies that hold school communities accountable to developing the human potential of students. This training process includes:
1. Leadership - Statewide leadership gathers for a day-long training to engage in conversation around the purpose of education-based athletics, establish a shared common language, and to define state specific implementation strategies. Leadership includes NFL community relations executives, representatives from the state high school athletic associations, athletic administrators, school boards, superintendents, and principals associations, departments of education, legislators, and other influential leaders.
2. Implementation - School Implementation Teams come together to learn the InSideOut System—which creates space in the culture for sports to be about the human growth and development of students. Teams will also engage in the InSideOut Philosophy, which provides specific tools to enable and equip them to take an InSideOut journey that will challenge and inspire them to define and bring to life their transformational purpose. School Implementation Teams leave with an InSideOut Action Plan to be implemented in their school community.
3. Sustainability - The InSideOut Initiative provides a clear pathway and prepares School Implementation Teams to reclaim the educational purpose of sports. InSideOut Schools have access to a national network of school communities engaged in InSideOut movement, along with collected best practices, proven strategies, resources, curriculum and ongoing support.
Through a well-defined pathway, supportive leadership and intentional coaching, school communities successfully reclaim the educational purpose of sports.
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ItsOnUs Campaign
Visit WebsiteThis pledge is a personal commitment to help keep women and men safe from sexual assault. It is... read more
ItsOnUs Campaign
This pledge is a personal commitment to help keep women and men safe from sexual assault. It is a promise not to be a bystander to the problem, but to be a part of the solution. On this site, you will find videos, the logo, toolkits, and the pledge.
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LIVERESPECT Training Program
Visit WebsiteA CALL TO MEN’s Curriculum, LIVERESPECT™ Coaching Healthy & Respectful Manhood, offers... read more
LIVERESPECT Training Program
A CALL TO MEN’s Curriculum, LIVERESPECT™ Coaching Healthy & Respectful Manhood, offers coaches, educators, mentors and youth advocates the tools to build young men of character.
The curriculum, ideal for middle and high school age boys:
- promotes healthy, respectful manhood
- decreases language and actions that degrade women, girls and other marginalized groups
- challenges harmful cultural and social norms
- decreases instances of bullying and homophobia
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Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP) Strategies Training Program
MVP Strategies
Visit WebsiteMVP provides the leadership necessary, within sport and beyond, to address the global issues of... read more
Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP) Strategies Training Program
MVP Strategies
MVP provides the leadership necessary, within sport and beyond, to address the global issues of sexism – especially men’s violence against women. In our advocacy efforts and training programs, we educate, inspire and empower men & women to prevent, interrupt and respond to sexist abuse.
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MVP Playbooks & Trainer's Guide
Mentors in Violence Prevention Strategies
Visit WebsiteSets of MVP playbooks and trainer’s guides are currently available for purchase on a sample... read more
MVP Playbooks & Trainer's Guide
Mentors in Violence Prevention Strategies
Sets of MVP playbooks and trainer’s guides are currently available for purchase on a sample basis. Items available include:
For High Schools
- MVP Playbook for High School Males
- MVP Trainer’s Guide for Working With High School Males
- MVP Playbook for High School Females
- MVP Trainer’s Guide for Working With High School FemalesFor Colleges
- MVP Playbook for College Males
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- MVP Trainer’s Guide for Working With College Males
- MVP Playbook for College Females (coming soon)
- MVP Trainer’s Guide for Working With College Females (coming soon)Close -
Prevention Strategies
Visit WebsitemyPlaybook is a collection of online lessons used to promote the health and well-being of... read more
Prevention Strategies
myPlaybook is a collection of online lessons used to promote the health and well-being of student-athletes in high school athletics as well as NCAA and NAIA collegiate athletics.
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