Pro / National Engage in Partnerships
Below you will find examples of partnerships between national sport organizations and SV/DV experts that target professional athletes and organizations that employ or work with them to prevent SV/DV.
Branded a Leader Training
Institute for Sport and Social Justice
Visit WebsiteBranded a Leader, created in 2008 by the National Consortium for Academics & Sports (NCAS),... read more
Branded a Leader Training
Institute for Sport and Social Justice
Branded a Leader, created in 2008 by the National Consortium for Academics & Sports (NCAS),now officially the Institute For Sport & Social Justice (Institute SSJ) was developed in partnership with Michigan State University. Michigan State’s Student Athlete Support Services was seeking a training that would engage their student-athletes in educational discussions on key issues such as: Violence Against Women, Alcohol & Drugs, Hazing and Responsible Computing. The Southeastern Conference (SEC) adopted BAL as a conference-wide training initiative beginning in 2008.
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Huddle Up to End Gender Based Violence
Institute for Sport and Social Justice
Visit WebsiteHuddle Up leverages the transcendent power of sport to eradicate gender violence, in all of its... read more
Huddle Up to End Gender Based Violence
Institute for Sport and Social Justice
Huddle Up leverages the transcendent power of sport to eradicate gender violence, in all of its forms, and the sexism underpinning this abuse. In sport, the huddle is a powerful symbol of togetherness, a place where many become one. In the huddle, teammates convene to reinforce their union, challenge & support one another, and communicate strategy. In the huddle, teammates forget past set-backs, galvanize conviction, and always have a unified front against the opponent. Huddle Up harnesses that power by challenging, educating, and empowering participants to be "all-in" to defeat our opponent – sexist abuse.
Huddle Up addresses the full continuum of abusive behaviors and empowers participants to understand how misogynistic language, sexual harassment, gendered bullying, sexual assault, rape and domestic violence are linked together. This understanding inspires participants to have the courage to challenge behaviors on all levels of the continuum.
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Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP) Strategies Training Program
MVP Strategies
Visit WebsiteMVP provides the leadership necessary, within sport and beyond, to address the global issues of... read more
Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP) Strategies Training Program
MVP Strategies
MVP provides the leadership necessary, within sport and beyond, to address the global issues of sexism – especially men’s violence against women. In our advocacy efforts and training programs, we educate, inspire and empower men & women to prevent, interrupt and respond to sexist abuse.
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MVP Playbooks & Trainer's Guide
Mentors in Violence Prevention Strategies
Visit WebsiteSets of MVP playbooks and trainer’s guides are currently available for purchase on a sample... read more
MVP Playbooks & Trainer's Guide
Mentors in Violence Prevention Strategies
Sets of MVP playbooks and trainer’s guides are currently available for purchase on a sample basis. Items available include:
For High Schools
- MVP Playbook for High School Males
- MVP Trainer’s Guide for Working With High School Males
- MVP Playbook for High School Females
- MVP Trainer’s Guide for Working With High School FemalesFor Colleges
- MVP Playbook for College Males
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- MVP Trainer’s Guide for Working With College Males
- MVP Playbook for College Females (coming soon)
- MVP Trainer’s Guide for Working With College Females (coming soon)Close -
Visit WebsiteNO MORE aims to raise public awareness and engagement around ending domestic violence and sexual... read more
NO MORE aims to raise public awareness and engagement around ending domestic violence and sexual assault. Launched in March 2013 by a coalition of leading advocacy groups, service providers, the U.S. Department of Justice, and major corporations, NO MORE is supported by hundreds of national and local groups and by thousands of individuals, organizations, universities, and communities who are using its signature blue symbol to increase visibility for domestic violence and sexual assault.
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There are few or no Partnership strategies in this part of the sport pipeline
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US Center for SafeSport
US Center for SafeSport
Visit WebsiteAthletes will perform better, soar higher, and get more from sport if they feel safe. SafeSport... read more
US Center for SafeSport
US Center for SafeSport
Athletes will perform better, soar higher, and get more from sport if they feel safe. SafeSport seeks to create a healthy, supportive environment for all participants. Through education, resources, and training, we help members of the sport community recognize, reduce, and respond to misconduct in sport.
The Center has two offices, each with distinct roles in helping to create a safe, strengthening environment for athletes.
- Administers national programming to promote respect and prevent abuse
- Raises awareness of issues
- Provides educational materials and resources
- Investigates and resolves alleged violations of the SafeSport Code for the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Movement
- Uses neutral and independent investigators and arbitrators in its processes
- Gathers and analyzes data that is used to improve awareness and prevention programs