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Victim to Victimizer: Using trauma-informed understanding of Adverse Childhood Experiences to Prevent Sexually Abusive Behavior in Adulthood
Catholic University Visit Website R4 2019-2020 ($50,000)The Catholic University of America in Washington, DC will listen to the voices and experiences of individuals who commit sexual offenses along with treatment providers describe how they believe...
Prairie View A&M Foundation / Prairie View A&M University Visit Website R4 2019-2020 ($50,000)Prairie View A&M University in Prairie View, TX will enhance their existing campus relationship and sexual violence prevention programming (RSVP) with the POWER UP! (Panthers Offer Women...
Parents for Prevention: Raising the Generation that Will End Sexual Violence
Iowa Coalition Against Sexual Assault Visit Website R4 2019-2020 ($40,000)Iowa Coalition Against Sexual Assault in Des Moines, IA will evaluate their Parents for Prevention programming through a series of train-the-trainer sessions for parent and caregiver educators in...
Healthy Relationships Initiative
The Arab-American Family Support Center Visit Website R4 2019-2020 ($50,000)The Arab-American Family Support Center in New York, NY will expand their healthy relationships and violence prevention curriculum for young people within Arab, Middle Eastern, Muslim, and South...
Be a Man: Masculinity and Gender-Based Violence
Monsoon United Asian Women of Iowa Visit Website R3 2018-2019 ($50,000)Develop and implement a culturally-specific, workshop-style curriculum in Central Iowa for middle school boys in sports programs in order to increase recognition of gender-based violence, decrease...
"What We Needed": What impacted communities need to end child-on-child sexual harm (a California pilot)
Impact Justice Visit Website R3 2018-2019 ($50,000)Develop a pilot program in California called What we Needed to help us better understand the uniqueness of child-on-child sexual harm, including its roots and solutions to prevent it from...
Emerging Sons: National Black Male Leadership Initiative
Black Women's Blueprint Visit Website R3 2018-2019 ($50,000)Expanding its Emerging Sons Project to develop and implement programming and innovative tools that reduces the likelihood of people to offend using culturally-specific education and messaging to...
Preparing Boys to End Rape
ReThink Visit Website R2 2017-2018 ($49,880)ReThink in Washington, D.C. built a community of leaders to pilot an approach to work with adolescent boys to instill critical values of empathy, consent and emotional awareness. The goal is to...
Preventing Sexual Violence in the Service Industry
Our VOICE Visit Website R2 2017-2018 ($32,000)Our VOICE in Asheville, NC will partner with local service industry establishments to empower owners, staff, and patrons to create safe cultures by improving sexual harassment organizational...
LGBTQ Sexual Violence Prevention and Accountability Project
New York City Anti-Violence Project Visit Website R2 2017-2018 ($46,000)New York City Anti-Violence Project in New York, NY created the first-of-its-kind LGBTQ-specific group for those who have been identified as “at risk” to act in a sexually coercive or violent way...
Counseling Services for Youth with Sexual Behavior Problems
Metropolitan Organization to Counter Sexual Assault (MOCSA) Visit Website R2 2017-2018 ($50,000)Metropolitan Organization to Counter Sexual Assault (MOCSA) in Kansas City, MO provided information and resources to a network of 4,000 foster parents in Kansas and Missouri. This helped...
Parent 2 Parent
New England Adolescent Research Institute (NEARI) Visit Website R2 2017-2018 ($49,978)The New England Adolescent Research Institute (NEARI) created the Parent 2 Parent website with the goal of reducing sexual violence through providing educational materials parents need to become...
Understanding the Obstacles to Help-Seeking for Minor-Attracted Persons
Barry University, Inc. Visit Website R2 2017-2018 ($49,854)This project surveyed minor-attracted persons (MAPs) to better understand the obstacles faced when seeking help. The data will improve and enhance effective, ethical counseling interventions for...
Circles of Safety for Foster Care Programs
Stop It Now! Visit Website R1 2016-2017 ($49,979)Stop It Now!, a national child sexual abuse prevention program in Massachusetts, expanded Circles of Safety, a promising training model to improve the knowledge and confidence of foster care...
Strategies for College Respondents
Pittsburgh Action Against Rape (PAAR) Visit Website R1 2016-2017 ($30,000)Pittsburgh Action Against Rape in Pittsburgh, PA examined current sanctioning practices for sexual misconduct on college campuses, reviewed best practices for sex offender treatment models, and...
Children with Sexual Behavior Problems
Minnesota Coalition Against Sexual Assault Visit Website R1 2016-2017 ($45,249)Minnesota Coalition Against Sexual Assault (MNCASA) in St. Paul, MN assessed systems, policies and practices for identifying, responding and providing effective services to children with sexual...
Help Wanted: Designing a Prevention Intervention for Adolescents Who Are Sexually Attracted to Children
Johns Hopkins School of Public Health Visit Website R1 2016-2017 ($50,000)The Moore Center for the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health developed the Help Wanted Prevention Intervention, an online tool for adolescents and...
Teen Relationship Violence Prevention Education Program
Center for Community Solutions Visit Website R1 2016-2017 ($50,000 )Center for Community Solutions in San Diego, CA enhanced their Teen Relationship Violence Education Curriculum and Program in an effort to increase awareness, challenge myths, and decrease sexual...
Emerging Sons
Black Women's Blueprint Visit Website R1 2016-2017 ($50,000 )Black Women’s Blueprint in Brooklyn, NY launched its Emerging Sons program to enlist Black men and boys in ending sexual violence in three target Black communities around the nation. Emerging Sons...
Product Definitions
Original design by project participants such as film, photography display, narrative piece, etc
Includes materials for train the trainers or other training element. This may include illustrative artwork to be used within curriculums or in conjunction with trainings.
Language access
Resources in languages other than English
PowerPoints or recorded webinar
PSA/Promotional video
A video creating public awareness about an organization’s expertise, resources or a program
Reports including literature reviews, IRBs, white papers, and guidelines
Includes hard-copy printable brochures, flyers or other short resource information such as one-pagers or handouts, fact sheets, posters or items seen in a ‘toolkit’ such as templates.
Strategy Definitions
Strengthen Policies
This includes policies within organizations that address the organizational culture and practices to prevent SV/DV by both reducing risks and uplifting protective factors. It may also include strengthening policies within organizations, suggesting changes to public policy, offering public policy recommendations.
Enhance Partnerships
Formal or information partnerships to collaborate to align messages, activism, education, and policies and practices as a means to raise community awareness and strengthen the collective impact of SV/DV prevention. Through partnerships, develop a ‘coordinated community response’ that engages multi-layered action, cooperation, and solidarity around a shared goal or purpose. This may include coordinating and enhancing existing partnerships.
Learning Circles
Also called Communities of Practice, engaging in collective learning through convening or joining meetings, committees, conferences, etc. at national, state or regional, or local levels, and explore shared resources (ex. money, programming, messaging) and strategies to leverage SV/DV prevention efforts.
Build Champions
Intentional support and development of individuals and leaders in the community who model and advocate for SV/DV prevention.
Provide Resources
Providing materials (ex. handouts, posters), services (ex. academic advisors, hotline numbers), financial support (ex. money set aside for SV/DV prevention work), time (ex. setting specific times throughout the year to directly talk about SV/DV and how to prevent it), or other assets (ex. connect to other community SV/DV prevention efforts) that address and prevent SV/DV.
Educate & Train
Formal educational programs and trainings (e.g., webinars, keynote speeches, in person trainings) and informal education (ex. team meetings, off the field mentoring) that focus on two components: 1) responding to SV/DV and 2) prevention SV/DV.
Measure Impact
Formal evaluation (ex. surveys) of the outcomes of SV/DV prevention strategies (policies, resources, programs) to provide data that shows evidence of change. This also includes informal evaluation (ex. participant feedback, focus groups) of the outcomes of SV/DV prevention strategies.
Raise Awareness
Specific planned campaigns, pledges, print/posters or multi-media, and social media share graphics that aim to raise awareness about SV/DV and/or how to prevent it in order to mobilize for a purpose/action; may also include engaging national/state media platforms effectively to increase awareness/empower a wider-audience to action.